Peek behind the curtain

Im going to give you a little bit of insider knowledge about the photo business.

A peek behind the curtain, if you will...

Photographers struggle to market our businesses the same as any other type of business. Here is how marketing works:

The gurus tell us: “Find a pain point in your client’s life and tell them how your company is there to fix that pain point for them.”

But what pain point does photography fix?

I’ll tell you.


But first let’s take a step back and look at how image rich our culture has become. The advent of photo sharing social media has created a time where we share pictures of EVERYTHING. And I mean everything… I photograph about 10 childbirths a year. :)


Why? Because we have a primal need to connect to others and feel accepted. We need to feel like we have a “tribe.” The fact that we can show off all of our accomplishments, big and small, from completing a marathon to following a recipe, and get...

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A BIG Announcement!


We have a big announcement to share with you!

As many of you know, for the last year, K. Norwood Portraiture and Fig-Mint Photography have shared a studio, but we have decided to take the next step.

As of January 1, K. Norwood Portraiture will be coming under the Fig-Mint Photography umbrella!

For those of you who have been loyal Kathy Norwood clients as she has served the Bryan College Station area for many years, don't worry! You can still request that she shoot your images! Moving forward, all scheduling, consultations, and ordering will be streamlined with Fig-Mint Photography.

We are so excited to be able to serve the Brazos Valley with a top notch service experience and 2 PPA Certified Professional, Master Craftsman Photographers!! (And Kathy will be receiving her Master of Photography designation this January!!)

Ashley Diamond Siegert, CPP, Cr.Photog

Kathy Norwood, CPP, Cr. Photog, M Photog. 


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Editorial Family Sessions

So you want family portraits, but you want something fresh and different. How do you tell your family's story with a little bit of flare and a whole lot of fun?

How about a staged editorial family session?

How does it work? First, we will sit down for a consultation where we will talk about your family, the vision, wardrobe, staging, props, etc. 


Next we shoot!! We will create custom images that tell the story of your family's daily life with a little bit of sass of course... :)


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Why your kids need you in the photos...

Years ago, when I was first starting my photography business, we had a family friend who was battling breast cancer. 

We always knew that there was a chance that we would loose her, but the thought of her 3 young daughters loosing a mother was just unbearable, so we all kept a good attitude and her large community of friends in our very close knit town did everything we could to make the final year the best it could be. 

Many people offered time at beach houses, cooked meals, drove the kids to various activities, etc. 

What could I do? I had this camera and this vision of lifestyle family photos, so we picked a sunny afternoon and I came over to capture a day snuggling in bed, sitting by the pool, and snagging those tiny moments. 

Years later, scrolling through my facebook feed on her birthday or the anniversary of the day she was called up, one of those images will catch my eye, and my breath. Her daughters share them often. They treasure them. 


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I LOVE that drive in your drawer!

Hey there Bryan/College Station!

You remember the last time someone came over to your house and said, "OMG I LOVE that thumb drive in your drawer. What photographer did you use? They must be amazing!"


The other night my Father in law sent me the most incredible photograph. It was take in in 1982 and my husband as a baby was sitting on his lap in the MOST fantastic clash of wardrobe, hair and glasses you could ever hope for. It was glorious.

He found it when he was cleaning out a closet and within minutes there were texts flying between various family members all bonding and having a great laugh from across the country.

So what I want you to understand here is that I am not opposed digital images. The ability to text these images back and forth came from the advent of digital imaging technology, but I PROMISE you, that this moment was brought you you by: the old school paper print.

He never would have found this image cleaning out an old hard drive. He found it cleaning out a...

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